A little late I know. But then when have I ever really been anything but so? Uh-huh, I start as I mean to go on. And yes, I am aware I have been slacking at my blogging duties. I swear I meant to write sooner but the holiday period has been rather hectic and eventful. In a good way though. Also, and I tell no lie, my internet has been most unreliable and tempestuous, disappearing every five minutes, sometimes not even there to start off with.
Anyway, so hope a truly magical Christmas and New Year was had by all. Surprisingly mine was nowhere near as lonely as I had anticipated. Christmas is all about tradition, and like the majority mine involved being surrounded by family and friends, and using the holiday season as an excuse to over-indulge. In fact over-indulgence doesn't even come close. Let's just say much food and alcohol was consumed. Presents received were very much conventional too: perfume, bath and body gift sets, chocolate and alcohol. No diamonds much to my dismay. But hey, I prefer safe pressies to wacky, random ones. Plus I was very chuffed with my Dolce and Gabbana Rose The One. I just love the original scent so much that I have been meaning to try out this variation for a while, and now I can! Don't you just love it when that happens? Hurrah for convenience! Whereas the original fragrance is much more seductive and powerful, this version is light and airy, the heavily rose-centric aspect lends it a somewhat romantic and ethereal quality. Simply put, it's fresh, floral and feminine. I like. A lot.
What I do regret this Christmas is not making it to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. That is one tradition I failed. I go every year, and the atmosphere is just amazing. Trailing through the markets, riding the big wheel, grazing on a doughnut or belgian waffle - the festive spirit is well and truly alive and electric. Winter Wonderland always puts me in the mood for Christmas and just really sets the tone. Christmas just doesn't feel like Christmas without a trip to Hyde Park. Cue: upside down smile. You can blame the snow. Yes, we had snow, not on Christmas Day but we had snow nevertheless. Not the measly light, melt into the ground type of snow but the proper kind - heavy, huge and fluffy. It was non-stop and determined, almost a blizzard at times, and within a matter of minutes everything was covered in a blanket of white, resembling a traditional Christmas scene from a Christmas card. It was breathtakingly beautiful. And even though I trudged through the inches of snow in order to make my way into Central London, I had to give Winter Wonderland a miss. It was too cold.
One tradition (tradition is the theme of this post in case you didn't realise folks) I never keep is making New Year resolutions. I have never ever made one, and I am not likely to start. They are quite frankly pointless. There is no way I am going to join a gym or drink less so there is no purpose in me even pretending to try. There is no way I am going to quit smoking either, especially after a friend of mine presented me with an abundance of duty free cigarettes over Christmas, if anything now I feel obliged to smoke even more. Ah, so many cigarettes that I feel like showering them around my room, kind of like in the movies where a couple rob a bank, head to the nearest motel, start jumping on the bed, throwing wodges of bank notes into the air. Sure I could make a resolution that enriches my experience of life more, you know, something like to learn a new language, take up a sport, travel more, generally anything that involves an adventure of some form, but I can do all that in my sweet time without the pressure of a resolution, with resolutions it becomes a lot less fun and a hell of a lot more like a chore. And when you don't fulfil them you feel all disappointed and discouraged. Why gear yourself up for all that eh?
Although, my eating habits have become remarkably healthier since 2011 began. Nope, don't get me wrong, not a resolution in any shape or form but was a conscious decision to compensate for being such a human vacuum cleaner over the holidays. It's like day nine of this more healthy approach I have adopted, and I have exercised every single day (yoga and exercise bike), plus I have abstained from bread, and not a drop of alcohol has passed these lips. Wow. This coming from the girl who very easily ate bread all day - hey, it's such an easy food option I'll have you know. Oh and I haven't had any chocolate either, well I have had chocolate cake and chocolate biscuits but not chocolate in its most common bar form. Vegetables are now my friends people, do not be afraid of them, embrace them. Don't get me wrong, this is not a diet, it's more of a attitude, I am not depriving myself of anything, and don't worry, I haven't become sober, I am just incorporating more 'good' foods into my life and trying to limit the 'bad' ones, not eliminate or banish them entirely. Impressed? And no-uh, for the gazillionth time, it is not a New Year's resolution.
Goodbye 2010, you were a pretty crappy year.
So as I sit here, surrounded by umpteen half-eaten chocolate boxes (I tend to dive straight in for the hazelnut, praline and truffle centres, abandoning the crummy fudge, caramel and fruit ones. Oh and I'm not fond of dark chocolate either, and white for that matter), bidding farewell to 2010, I cannot for the life of me think of a single highlight from the year that has just passed. Now that is very tragic. 2010 began poorly and just continued to deteriorate. There is no way 2011 can ever surpass that. Speaking of new beginnings and all that jazz, the ex got married yesterday and is probably embarking upon his honeymoon as I type. It didn't bother me in the slightest, and I still find that odd. Sure the fact that he was getting married crossed my mind for a few seconds throughout the day, and there was a twinge of something, am not quite sure what the emotion was, perhaps sadness, I don't know, but I don't actually feel anything for the most part, am really very indifferent. And that alone is a sign that 2011 is going to be a grand year, I can just feel it. What's with all the optimism? I don't know, it's pretty out of character for me, maybe all the positivity is stemming from my healthier attitude. Even in January, the longest most depressing month ever, when it's cold and dark and wet, and everybody is skint, yes, I am utterly upbeat and hopeful. 2011 is going to kick-ass. 2011 is going to eclipse its predecessor in every way possible. Hmmm, it must be the vegetables.
Happy 2011 folks! Much love. Mwah.
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